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Metafizik İstihbarat

Cinler – Şeytanlar – Ruhlar – MedyumlarMemoratlar – Olağanüstü Olaylar Metafizik istihbarat alanında Türkiye’de ilk akla gelen isimlerden biri olan araştırmacı-yazar Hakan Yılmaz Çebi’nin bu kitabı...


Hurşit Paşa 31 Mart 1325 İhtilalinin Tarihçesi

II. Meşrutiyet döneminin en mühim travmalarından biri, belki de birincisi, 31 Mart Vak‘ası’dır ve bu vak‘a meşrutiyet ruhunu zehirleyen önemli bir hadisedir. Nitekim II. Meşrutiyet’in ilânı akabinde meşrutî...


Three Lives

Regarded by some critics as a minor masterpiece, Three Lives was Stein’s first published book. In it she tells the stories of three working class...


Ghost Stories Of An Antiquary

Curl up by the fire and enter the sinister, supernatural world of Montague Rhodes James (1862–1936), the master of the English ghost story. Chillingly atmospheric,...


Sherlock Holmes / His Last Bow

His Last Bow, the title story of this collection, tells how Sherlock Holmes is brought out of retirement to help the Government fight the German...


The Good Soldier

A Tale of Passion as its subtitle declares, The Good Soldier relates the complex social and sexual relationships between two couples, one English, one American,...


Amok Koşucusu (Arapça) آموك

آموك والتي تعني باللغة الماليزية ( مرحلة عميقة من جنون الحب ) تجعل الشخص المعرض لها شخصية خطرة جدا قد يقدم على قتل اي كائن...



This work of art reflects life in Ireland at the turn of the last century, and by rejecting euphemism, reveals to the Irish their unromantic...